How to Build Muscle - Nutrition and the Over Forty Bodybuilder

While there is no doubt (at least for me) that bodybuilding-when done sensibly-is a healthy pursuit.

One that can help fight the aging process by allowing us to keep muscle mass as we age-and even increase it!

This helps to keep body fat at bay-which is a good thing.


With the above being said, as we age-especially if we have been training since we were teenagers-we do have to make some concessions.

How so?

Well, one of the main things we can control is what we eat.


More to the point-what we do not eat.

And this is what I mean by concessions.

For example, for those of us who are reading this-who shall we say-like me are not so young any more-we can all remember eating mostly junk food, overtraining like crazy-and somehow we still managed to make gains.

The power of youth.

But as we age, those junk food days need to be restricted and what eat needs to be monitored more closely.

The end result of not doing this can be body fat gain-which is not good-no matter what age we are.


For my money the best way to stay lean as we age is to continue to train as hard as we can-and yes do some form of cardio.

Then when we sit down to eat we need to focus on taking in only the highest quality foods.

Things like skinless chicken breasts, turkey and lean beef should make up the bulk of the protein we take in for muscle growth and repair.

Although, I still like my whole eggs.

As far as carbohydrates, we should eat just enough of them to fuel the training that we do-and a little more for growth and repair-and that is it.

The sources should be as natural as possible.

Plenty of things like, kale, broccoli, spinach, yams, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, peppers and the like.

Depending on your metabolism and activity level other sources of carbohydrates could include things like pasta and rice-but again this should be based on your activity level.

For example, if you say work at physical job eight to twelve hours per day, then of course your carbohydrate level-and you overall calorie level will be WAY higher than that of someone who has a desk job.

As for fats, they should be mainly from fatty fish like sardines or if you do not like fish you should take a high quality fish oil supplement.

Other good fats include natural peanut and seeds.


Again, remember, the above is just a guide, not a hard and fast plan.

If you know from experience that, say, you work better on higher fats-do it.

If you know that you will not-no matter what-eat a yam-do not worry about it.

Let me end by saying this-do what you know you will do.

This way, you will do it everyday-and doing things on a regular basis is the only way you are going to reap the benefits of something-be it training cardio or eating.

To learn the truth about how to transform your body in record time from SWAT performance trainer Will Brink, check out my review of his Bodybuilding Revealed Program by Clicking Here

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Build Muscle and Recover Quickly With Cissus Quadrangularis


Often when looking around to try and find a new supplement to build muscle, aid recovery and stimulate muscle growth, people often turn to creatine monohydrate or amino acids such as glutamine, the more 'well known' supplements. However there is one supplement which receives less press but is just as effective, Mega Cissus, a high potency source of Cissus Quadrangularis (a perennial plant of the grape family found in India and Sri Lanka.) Here we look at the health benefits and reasons for why you should be thinking about adding Cissus Quadrangularis to your fitness regime and the science supporting it as an effective sports supplement.

Cissus and Muscle Mass

Cissus Quadrangularis is an ancient medicinal plant that was prescribed in the ancient Ayurvedic texts as a general tonic and analgesic, with specific bone fracture healing properties. More recently there have been more research papers published on its anti-glucocorticoid, anti-catabolic, anti-lipase, anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial properties where it has been praised for aiding in everything from fat loss to bone and tendon.

More recently, it has been reported that Cissus Quadrangularis could greatly aid in increasing muscle mass too. When you're looking to increase muscle mass (muscular hypertrophy) in the gym, you want to load your muscles above their habitual level by lifting a weight and bringing about the appropriate hormonal and chemical conditions that cause your muscle cells to grow. When you lift weights, your endocrine system releases anabolic hormones (i.e. testosterone and growth hormone) but because of the stress your body is under, you may also release cortisol which is bad for building muscle because it can inhibit protein synthesis and stimulate amino acid degradation.


Increase anabolic hormones (testosterone and growth hormone) + reduce excessive levels of catabolic hormones (cortisol) = build muscle

Studies show that Cissus is capable of interacting with the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) by binding to it and acting as a GR antagonist, ensuring cortisol doesn't bind to the receptor and therefore reducing cortisol's negative effects and helping your muscle mass development.

How Cissus Quadrangularis can help your bones and tendons

If you train to a high level with regular, intense exercise, you will know that constantly training the body to get stronger, quicker and fitter will sometimes lead to small injuries where the body has just been overworked (the fine line between 'stimulation' and 'annihilation'). For those of you that do pick up a slight injury, Cissus can help with your recovery.

Studies have shown that injured athletes using Cissus saw a significant influence in the rate of fracture healing. Cissus influences the early regeneration of all connective tissues of mesenchyma origin (namely the fibroblasts), the chondroblasts and osteoblasts involved in the healing and quicker mineralisation of the callus. It also delivers nutrients to the injured tissue and, unlike pain relief products, not only soothes the pain of connective tissue injury but also works to repair it.

Regarding bone fractures, it is theorised that Cissus causes less amount of tissue reaction in the fractured area leading to optimum decalcification in the early stage with minimum of callus formation. So deposition of calcium is just enough to join the two broken segments of bone so that it's recovery happens much faster. Cissus is also shown to cause early gain in the tensile strength of fractured bones by building up the chemical composition of the fractured bone, namely its mucopolysaccharides, collagen, calcium and phosphorus as well as its functional efficiency.

From Tom at Fitness Coupons

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Can A Few Combinations of Herbs Help You Build Strength And Muscle?

There are a lot of products out there in the market that claim to give you these astonishing muscle gains and strength gains. They hide all their chemical ingredients under the term proprietary blend and can almost get away with anything. Did you know the supplement industry is a multi-billion dollar industry, so do you think the government is going to regulate them with stricter rules? I don't think so and the long term effects of these supplements are unknown.

Imagine the stresses these supplement put on your body. In one way, they help you build muscle, but your organs are trying to clean up the mess. Your liver and kidneys are working overtime and I would recommend drinking extra water if you are taking any supplements that are not natural. If you could take something that will give you extra strength and muscle gains naturally, would you actually stop taking the bad stuff? I am here to tell you there is something that is good for you and will help you in the gym.

One of the most powerful herbs on the planet and many people don't even know what they are capable. These two herbs I am talking about is Ginseng and Ganoderma.

Lets talk about Ginseng first.

Ginseng has been used for centuries as a tonic, stimulant and aphrodisiac. In addition, ginseng boosts your immune system, nervous system, cardiovascular system, and it appears to build endurance and strength by increasing the function of your adrenal glands during workouts. Ginseng also helps you body to adapt to both physical and emotional stresses and there is a ton of research to back this up. According to the World Health Organization, the use of ginseng will enhance mental and physical capacities in cases of tiredness, exhaustion, weakness and loss of concentration. These were actual clinical studies done.

Ginseng is an extremely powerful herb and not many people know about it's capabilities. Where does ginseng rank compared to the other herbs for it's positive effects in the human body? It ranks number 6 in the world. Ganoderma, on the other hand, is called the "King of Herbs". This is the most powerful herb on the plant and it's ranked number one on the list of herbs. What does ganoderma do to help build strength and muscle? First off, ganoderma oxygenates the body by increases blood flow to all your organs including your muscles. In addition, ganoderma has over 200 nutrients and anti-oxidants that fuel your body. Ganoderma is the closest thing to nutritional perfection found in nature. More oxygen, more blood flow and a ton of nutrients equals faster recovery time and better results during your workout.

Ganoderma can be taken before, during and after your workout for maximum results. Now there is a Coffee drink that combines both of these powerful herbs together. Organo Gold launched their Cafe Supreme this year which has 100% certified organic ganoderma lucidum and Ginseng. The best way to drink this coffee is before you workout and after your workout for it's healing properties. You will notice a big difference in your workouts and you will physically and mentally feel great.

To find Organo Gold Cafe Supreme and their other products with ganoderma, please visit

All their products enhance your body and make you feel amazing.

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Most Common Chest Training Mistakes

A sculpted well defined chest is probably the ultimate sign of masculinity. For ions the male form has been portrayed in sculpture, paintings and artwork with models boasting massive well defined pecs. While most guys may think that they know the basics for building a bigger chest (which they may) what they don't realize is what they're doing wrong! Here are the most common chest training mistakes you may not even know you're doing!

Common Chest Training Mistakes

1. Focusing on Weight vs Form

The amount of weight you can press on a standard Chest Press may be great to determine your 1RM (1 rep max) but it's not indicative of how strong your chest is in general. Trying to lift too much weight with improper form isn't doing you any favors. Over extension of the shoulders or limited range of motion are pretty common with most guys who are more interested in showing how much they can press versus properly executing the exercise.

2. Working Upper Chest

Let's face it, we workout chest to get that thick bull dog mass of muscle, however you need to be training the weaker "parts" of the muscle as well as the stronger. Your chest muscles "fan out" from the front of the shoulders. The thinnest part of the muscle is that which is furthest away from the insertion point at the shoulder. You can easily vary your current chest workouts by using progressive loading and varying the angle of the exercise. For example an incline chest press will hit the muscle at a different angle and can help "work" the upper chest (although all the chest muscles are engaged with every movement).

3. To Much Focus on Free Weight or Machines

Yes machines can be just as effective as free weights. While machines may limit some functional training benefits because they can limit range of motion, they are very effective at isolating and targeting muscle groups. A couple months ago we reviewed an ACE sponsored study that showed that the Pec Dec was one of top 3 chest exercises to Build a Bigger Chest and engaging the chest muscles in general. Your goal should be to mix it up.

4. Overtraining

This should be a no brainer, but you'd be surprised how many guys (and girls) hit the gym every week and do the same routine over and over. If you're not growing or developing the muscles that you want, it doesn't mean you need to work them MORE it means you need to work them BETTER. You shouldn't be training any muscle group more than twice a week at most. The muscle grows and repairs when it's at rest, not when it's pumpin out reps!

Make sure you're working with, or at least you are consulting with a Personal Trainer on a regular basis.

Los Angeles Personal Trainer Riley Daye is part of the GymPaws Workout Gloves Fitness Team. His areas of study include Weight Lifting, Strength Training, Nutrition, Body Building and Sport Specific Training.

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Nutrition And Exercise Plan For Fat Loss


Get the 1st of 2 daily workouts before you have your 1st meal of the day. Wait 12 hours of not eating a meal before your workout to burn maximal body fat for energy. If you wait that long than your body has burned up most of its blood sugar stores through the night and early morning. Your body burns blood sugar first for fuel during a workout before it's able to burn body fat (adipose tissue). Since you have fasted for 12 hours your blood sugar is low and so it only takes a few minutes to burn that up resulting in immediate fat burning for energy.

You will simply workout on an empty stomach again later in the day for your 2nd workout to burn more fat.

Bonus tip - add 100-200 mg of caffeine to your system 30-60 minutes before both workouts to boost energy, increase strength, increase desire, focus, and best of all, to burn more fat! Caffeine will work with the body resulting in a slightly more fat burn during exercise. Do not add sugar or creamer to your caffeine. Try a cup of coffee, caffeine pills, or some green or black tea for example.


Now, 15-60 minutes after your workout is the best time to consume carbohydrates, protein, and dietary fat. This is important for muscle recovery, preventing muscle loss, healthy hormone production, and best of all, fat loss! If you fail to eat during this window of opportunity you will slow metabolism, increase muscle breakdown, and will be unable to fully replenish muscle energy for your following workout. Make sure your protein is a complete source like eggs, meat, fish, or soy protein. Make sure your carbs come from nature instead of a box. Fruits, vegetables, and oatmeal are great choices. Finally, add healthy fats like nuts, seeds, eggs, and olive oil for overall health including healthy hormone production. Eat foods that are not processed and are in its most natural state. For example brown rice beats white rice. Or 9 grain bread over the highly processed white bread. Find the diet that works well with your particular taste buds as everyone is a unique individual. There is no limit because your only eating twice per day, your energy requirements are higher due to a 2 a day training protocol, and because you are eating only after workouts thus feeding muscles instead of fat (adipose tissue).

Bonus tip - to get even better results eat certified organic labeled food when possible. Get 1 week free boot camp trial 717-343-4955 or take advantage of all my follow along workout finishers and get free online personal training with me, Josh Wolfe

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Body Weight Skull Crushers

I read somewhere that Skull Crushers are the only exercise that has a "warning" in their name. I can only image how the name came about, but what I do know is that it's probably one of the single best Triceps Exercises you can do. What's even more awesome about this exercise is that you don't even need a gym to do them! Body weight Skull Crushers can be just as effective and getting those shirt busting guns that you're shooting for!

Body weight Skull Crushers

Guys may laugh off most body weight exercises because they think they need to be lifting mass amounts of weight to build muscle. This really isn't the case and you can visit any cross-training gym or take a circuit / bootcamp style class so see some really hot physiques that were built from mostly bodyweight exercises. For the women fear not, you're not going to get the bulk the guys will anyway because of purely genetic reasons, and this is an awesome exercise to help tone the upper arms.

What are Body weight Skull Crushers?

They're a variation of the common Skull Crusher Tricep workout. With weights, you're laying on a bench and extending a barbell to your forehead. With the bodyweight version you're using gravity, positioning, and well... your body's own weight.

How to Do Body weight Skull Crushers.

1. In the Gym: On a Smith Machine or rack set, adjust the bar to waist height or slightly higher. Outside the Gym: You can use just about any stable object that allows you to grasp with your hands like a counter top or staircase railing.

2. Keep your abs tight and form a plank as you grasp the bar from the upright position. (Note: a pair of lifting grips will ease hand fatigue and give you a more stable grip.)

3. Lower your body, bending at the elbows until your forehead is about to touch the bar. You'll want to focus on keeping your elbows tucked into your sides as much as possible. Pause.

4. Return back to the starting position, and that completes one full rep!


The higher the bar, the less you'll be working the Triceps. The lower the bar, the more you'll hit the triceps.

This is not only a great Triceps Exercise, but it's a good stability exercise. Because you're also engaging your core in "planking" you'll probably even feel it in your abs as well!

Los Angeles Personal Trainer Riley Daye is part of the GymPaws Workout Gloves Fitness Team. His areas of study include Weight Lifting, Strength Training, Nutrition, Body Building and Sport Specific Training.

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Huge Triceps Workout - Build Massive Triceps

When a bodybuilder hits a double biceps, people may be under the assumption that it is just looking like a pair of biceps. However the experienced eye will quickly notice whether or not the athlete has paid attention to the triceps to balance out his arms. And if such a bodybuilder will be onstage, his placing could easily make him commit suicide. So the proper triceps development is an absolute need to every bodybuilder who respects himself.

I use the exercises described below in my triceps workout routine because they affect my triceps directly and work the muscle from different angles. It pumps the triceps thoroughly and makes my arms grow.


I begin my triceps workout with lying barbell extensions using cambered bar. It's a powerful movement and one of the best mass building exercises. First set is warming-up set for 20 reps.
Then I load up a bar to make 6-7 strict movements finishing with 2-3 forced reps. I do 3 sets of this exercise. It's important to use a full range of motion stretching triceps at the bottom and squeezing it at the top.


The next exercise is cable pushdowns. It's good flushing movement. I use medium-length straight bar. Keeping a body as straight up and down as possible, tuck the elbows in and concentrate on the triceps. Each rep is strictly controlled and concentrated. At the bottom position squeeze the triceps for a second or two. Usually I do 3 sets for 12-15 reps.


After doing cable pushdowns I continue with dips. This exercise blasts the triceps and works every part of the muscle. Use a little wider than shoulder width grip and hang a plate between your legs for some added resistance if you can do more than 15 full reps.

Keep a body from leaning too far forward (if you lean too far forward it turns into more of chest exercise). Do not forget to squeeze your triceps at the top. Do 3 sets for 12-15 reps.


The last triceps movement is seated one arm behind-the-neck dumbbell extensions. It will help you to make your outer triceps stick out from the side. To maximize the intensity of the pump you have to use the fullest range of motion you can get without going to the resting point. Do not relax your triceps at the end of the movement. You have to feel a tight stretch at the bottom and a hard squeeze at the top for a maximum peak contraction. 3 sets for 15 reps will be optimal.

Pick-Up The Right Exercises

Obviously, the same exercise affects different people differently depending on one's body type and many other reasons.

Now I will explain a method how to pick up a right exercise exactly for you. It can be applied to any muscle group. Choose an exercise you would like to check whether it works a part of the muscle you wish to improve. Make 6-8 sets for 12-15 reps of that one exercise. After that you will undoubtedly see the part of your muscle that has got the most pumping. And you can realize what muscle part the exercise affects. Hence you can make a right decision: to use or not to use. Or how to use it and which exercises to combine with.


Tony Meyer is a Bodybuilding expert and author of weight training articles. More than 20 years in the Bodybuilding.

For more information about Bodybuilding and Fitness visit 'Bodybuild - Bodybuilding & Fitness Ultimate Resource' at

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